Friday, August 29, 2008

schools using blogs

Schools are using blogs to stay in touch!
Heres the first school. A.V. Hedden Elementary.
The home of the HAWKS! This link is to Mr. Wolfe's fourth Grade class in Edgewood Washingon. He uses the blogs to stay on contact with his students and parents. They have introduced them selves on there for the new year. I looked at some of the pictures from the students last year and the activities they compleated and it looks like they really enjoy themselves.

Mr Miller with class Mr. Miller's english class at Branford High also uses a blog. One can use the site to find information, homework and assignments for the class. It keeps all involved connected to each other. He has opened specific topics for the class to blog about on the site. This gives them and out of class way to have a discussion about a particular topic.

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