Monday, November 3, 2008

Carol Dweck and Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

Is intelligence something we can develop? Or is it something we are born with? Well that is growth verses the fixed! A study was set up and they taught the kids in two different ways. They showed the kids in these workshops that babies have learn things and that they make new connections. They taught them to admit mistakes and over come them. That is how we grow, we grow from these mistakes that we make in life. Carol did a great study betweeen these two groups and teachers of these students could distinguish which children had been to the growth mindset workshops and which students had been to the fixed midset workshops.
It comes down to how we teach our children. There are no limits on learning! We stop were we want to stop. Encouraging children to do more and learn more really does work. If they believe in themselves and those around them then it is not so hard to believe that the child really can do better!

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