Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dr. Christie

Dr. Alice Christie has a wondefull site that is helping educators everywhere. She has many workshops that she does to help educators with a wide variety of issues. I explored her site and my favorite part was her photography part. Her pictures are beautiful.I love how she took one picture and then applied many different attributes to it. She fully explores photography.There is helpful information on buying a camera, and using it at it'd best potential. She really has expanded on the idea of helping educators everywhere through workshops and through the internet.
As an educator this information is wonderful. Many teachers like at my son's school are using all digital camera's in which they are posting the kids pictures on the websites and they are putting them in the weekly newsletter. I plan to do a lot of the same when I begin to teach, minus the newsletter. But maybe for each class I teach using the pictures to put up a bulletin board with their weekly updates on it.

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