Wednesday, September 24, 2008

itunes U

itunes university with the top ones that were downloaded.

i visited some sites that discussed the itunes university. A group of universities are putting up discussions in Philosophy and notes for professors Literature classes. There are different Universities that use the site for different reasons. One even uses it for all thier lectures. Now if you miss a class, your not begging someone else for notes that they might not have taken well. Its easily available on itunes U. It is a wonderul idea to use the itunes and students can download the notes or other information to thier ipod and listen to it!
All the new ways of getting information out these days is growing by the day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

ipods in schools

read this about schools that are using ipods !

Ipods are a wonderful tool to store all sorts of info. Some universities like Duke are using them for things like simple orientation information and even loading in the fight song for students. They used to even give the Ipod away to the students but even though now they are not giving away the ipod anymore, students are required for some classes to have an Ipod.
Some schools are using them to breech language barriers. They load the Ipod with english lessons for students to be able to learn english in schools. They are being used to download all sorts of information to help students learn quicker in a world that technology is becomeing a way of life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dr. Christie

Dr. Alice Christie has a wondefull site that is helping educators everywhere. She has many workshops that she does to help educators with a wide variety of issues. I explored her site and my favorite part was her photography part. Her pictures are beautiful.I love how she took one picture and then applied many different attributes to it. She fully explores photography.There is helpful information on buying a camera, and using it at it'd best potential. She really has expanded on the idea of helping educators everywhere through workshops and through the internet.
As an educator this information is wonderful. Many teachers like at my son's school are using all digital camera's in which they are posting the kids pictures on the websites and they are putting them in the weekly newsletter. I plan to do a lot of the same when I begin to teach, minus the newsletter. But maybe for each class I teach using the pictures to put up a bulletin board with their weekly updates on it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

wikipedia reliable? who says?

Since as long as i can remember starting a paper or any other article i had to write, i was always told to never use Wikipedia. The information there is easily changed and therefore it can be unreliable. This site can not be considered accurate if any "average Joe" can come in access a subject then add what they believe is an accurate description/definition to the page.
The only time i use Wikipedia is to sometimes look up something for my own purposes. It sometimes gives a better description of a what I am looking for at the time. It is in general terms.
The program that was built by Virgil Griffith is a wonderful idea though.His program traces the IP address of those people who change the content on Wikipedia. Until it is perfected and able to be constantly used then Wikipedia still can't be consider a true source. People who have big companies are able to go into wikipedia right now and take out certain areas about thier product they might not want the general public to know, but hopefully in the future Mr. Griffith's idea will really be able to help and make Wikipedia a more reliable source.

180 days of instruction

here is the link to familiarize yourself with what I'm commenting on:Fischbowl
The point is brought up of 180 days of instruction in the school and is there really 180 days of instruction or not. Then there in a power point showing the deductions of days from instructional days for things like, exams, regular testing, state testing, pep rally, snow days, average sick days, movie reward day etc. So that you are left with something closer to 120 days of so called instructional days for teaching.
My opinion is that we need those days of pep rallys , reward movie days,exams, and etc. If 60 more days were added to make up for all these lack of days then, first, you loose two months of summer. Second, how many days of those 60 days would then be lost? People get sick so there goes some of those 60 days and its summer so people will take a vacation. Now are we going to add days to make up for those days in order to reach 180 days of instruction in the school? Third, When is enough, enough? Kids in the first grade come home with homework that takes 30 min. to 1 hour each night. Why? Most of this should be covered in class. I thought that was the point of school. A first grader, a child, spends more time doing instruction and school work with just barely enough time to complete home chores and spend time with family, and then squeeze in a few min. of bike riding. (not all children are raised spending the afternoon on video games!) And now please explain to me why we need to add more school time in when our kids now barely have time to be a kid!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Fisch has a point

Is it okay? After reading this I totally agree with him. Educators should be held accountable for the learning of new technology. How can we expect to teach students what is the most accurate and new technology out there if we don't learn it ourselves. I subbed at a school recently and they are required to make a weekly newsletter for their class and send home and the teacher was having a hard time figuring out how to insert pictures of the class. "My assistant usually does this" is what she told me. I ended up helping her get the picture resized and placed properly. While i was doing this I had pondered why it was that a highly certified teacher did not know the basics of creating a newsletter.
Teachers must know how to work in new technologies in order to keep up. Children have such a curiosity to learn and if we do not teach them what they need to know to thrive in this ever changing world then we have done our society no good whatsoever!

blogs around the world

mellon bay crest

I ended up in Auckland, New Zealand! Room 12 uses their blogs to post homework and other assingments. They also have pictures and productions that the children have done in class and they are posted too. You can leave comments for the kids. Really I don't see anything here that is different from a blog in an American school. It is a well done site it's just that if I have to look at an International site, i guess i thought it would be differnt from an American site.
Go to Mellons

montford school
This is a school out of China. Montford school uses it's blog a lot. It is set up really organized and they have video liks as well as pictures to show! I really liked how even the Alumni came back and left some post.
Go see Montford